AMD64 SSH Port Forwarding?

veldy at veldy at
Tue Sep 12 10:43:15 PDT 2006

Has anybody noted any issues with port forwarding using SSH tunnels on
FreeBSD 6.1 AMD64?  I just recently upgraded my machine from i386 to
amd64, using nearly all the same configuration files.  Now, remotely, I
make an SSH session to my machine and attempt to forward ports, as usual,
and I find that all of these fail.  The listener exists on localhost, but
nothing is forwarded. Trying to connect to the localhost listener results
in a connection, but no traffic.  I can verify all services are running.

For what its worth:

FreeBSD 6.1-p6 AMD64
PF (same configuration as previous machine that worked)
Ports - 25, 443, 3128

All above ports are active and functioning, but forwarding to them via a
tunnel consistantly fails.  Only changes are motherboard, CPU, memory and
of course moved from i386 to amd64.  The NICs, hard drives and cd/dvd
drives all came from the old machine and are the same physical pieces of

I have not been table to find any configuration changes that can account
for this behavior and I find no record in the logs what-so-ever.

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