Word processor for 6.1

Donald J. O'Neill donaldjoneill at gmail.com
Mon Sep 4 05:50:37 PDT 2006

On Monday 04 September 2006 02:08, Perry Hutchison wrote:
> Anyone know where I can find a working word processor for 6.1?
> AbiWord and OpenOffice both require Gnome, which won't build.
> richtext builds OK, but as soon as I try to select "bold" it
> writes 4 lines to stderr and drops core:
>   Message backtrace:
>    bold
>    bold
>   OutOfBounds: offset 0, size 0
> _______________________________________________

You can go to http://porting.openoffice.org/freebsd/ and download 
openoffice2.0.3 pre-built binaries from there. I would suggest that, rather 
than trying to build it.

You're probably going to need java. I suggest getting the pre-built binary for 
diablo-jdk-, you can get it here: 

Try to save yourself as much pain as possible. Building openoffice from ports 
tends to fall in the category of pain.


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