time to come clean... .

Gary Kline kline at sage.thought.org
Sun Sep 3 21:35:03 PDT 2006


	It's time to come clean and admit that parts/most of rsync are 
	lost on my.  The good-old-days when everybody trusted everybody
	on the net--when it was mostly just we geeks are way gone.
	Crackers, prob'ly 12-year-olds using DOS scripts, tried to
	crack my ns1 server.  After that I upgraded to bind-9 and read
	[and enjoyed] DNS/BIND, *and* began using ssh.  So a lot of my
	automatic backup programs stopped working.  As thought.org grew
	from one machine to four, it became that much harder to tar and
	backup stuff.  (I have automated some backups, but crudely.   
	Now, after Friday's "trap 18",  my first fatal ever, it's time 
	to follow the backup system that Matthew suggested.)

	How can I automate the backup via rsync to other servers?  I have 
	a couple boxen out there miles remote; the rest are meters apart.  
	If 'expect the unexpected' is any guide, now I *am* expecting.   
	If it means a few days and 8 hours of typing, then that's just 
	the price.  (That I had a recent TaoEtc.tbz is a good sign; that 
	it was in /usr/tmp _on_ tao is not a good sign... .)

	I've just installed/reinstaled rsync here on ns1.thought.org (aka
	"sage") and on zen.thought.org.  I've fiddled with the rsyncd.conf on
	both FBSD systems.  What I don't understand is how rsync, using
	ssh, gets past the secret password.  If, say, I want to
	copy all of my www files from sage to zen, what do I put
	into /usr/local/etc/rsyncd.secrets? Let's say that rsyncd.secrets

	# User : pw
	root : abcd
	kline: wxyz

	Would this old snippet work as a starting place, exec'd by root:

rsync --verbose  --progress --stats --compress --rsh=/usr/local/bin/ssh
      --recursive --times --perms --links --delete \
      --exclude "*bak" --exclude "*~" \
      /usr/local/www/* zen.thought.org:/usr/local/www


      Thanks for any clues.  I have a lot of stuff tarballed, but it's
      time to do things right!!


   Gary Kline     kline at thought.org   www.thought.org     Public service Unix

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