migrating user and web files to new server

Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC chad at shire.net
Sun Sep 3 20:48:19 PDT 2006

On Sep 3, 2006, at 8:59 PM, Noah wrote:

> hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) wrote:
>> On 3 September 2006, at 20:34, Noah wrote:
>>> hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) wrote:
>>>> I find it incredibly interesting that, while you REFUSE SPECIFY  
>>>> exactly what you want, you find it necessary to deem certain  
>>>> commands unacceptable! No one is going to freaking spoon feed  
>>>> you this stuff! What you just pasted will do basically THE SAME  
>>>> THING as tarring and scping it over, so what's the problem? The  
>>>> only difference is there is no intermediate tar file. If that's  
>>>> what you wanted, why can't you just SAY THAT?!
>>> cool.  it is different though.  ssh and scp are quite different  
>>> syntax.  thank you.
>> Obviously they are different syntax, but the two commands posted  
>> give you the same end result. Why are you rejecting the syntax?!
> Hi there,
> I never saw any syntax for the scp way of doing it.  Also after I  
> received the ssh command I was happy to see that moving files could  
> be performed on one line

you mean like

% tar cf newfile.tar mydirtotar; scp newfile.tar user at remote.machine:


that is one command line


> and want to share it with the list and soon google.
> please lets drop the issue it seems too nitpicky.
> cheers,
> Noah
>>> cheers,
>>> Noah
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Chad Leigh -- Shire.Net LLC
Your Web App and Email hosting provider
chad at shire.net

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