migrating user and web files to new server

Noah admin2 at enabled.com
Sun Sep 3 18:35:11 PDT 2006

hackmiester (Hunter Fuller) wrote:
> On 3 September 2006, at 13:11, Noah wrote:
>> Philip Q wrote:
>>> Noah wrote, On 4/09/06 3.58 a:
>>>> this command also meets my coolness requirements.
>>>> oldsys # tar -C /var/www -cf - . | ssh newsys tar -C /var/www -xvf -
>>> Which is almost /exactly/ what Chad recommended to you...
>> kinda.  this is the syntax I was looking for.
> I find it incredibly interesting that, while you REFUSE SPECIFY 
> exactly what you want, you find it necessary to deem certain commands 
> unacceptable! No one is going to freaking spoon feed you this stuff! 
> What you just pasted will do basically THE SAME THING as tarring and 
> scping it over, so what's the problem? The only difference is there is 
> no intermediate tar file. If that's what you wanted, why can't you 
> just SAY THAT?!

cool.  it is different though.  ssh and scp are quite different syntax.  
thank you.



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