Replacing Sendmail with Postfix?

Paul Schmehl pauls at
Wed May 31 20:08:04 PDT 2006

--On May 31, 2006 8:58:08 PM -0500 Nikolas Britton 
<nikolas.britton at> wrote:

> Hey did anyone see the article on /. about Sendmail being removed from
> NetBSD, and being replaced with Postfix?
> What advice can you offer about doing this on FreeBSD? What's
> involved, How do you do it, are there any gotta's (cron scripts?),
> etc?.... Is it just as simple as installing the Postfix port? How do
> you stop buildworld from reinstalling sendmail? /etc/mail/mailer.conf?
> Oh hmm, I see there's a section in the FreeBSD handbook that deals
> with this topic... Oh well I've already wrote this much... maybe you
> guy and gals have something more to add.
make install clean - follow the instructions in the pkg-message file - 
done.  (Except for any configuration you need to do.  If it's a standalone 
server to send mail from localhost, you don't need to do anything to get it 

Paul Schmehl (pauls at
Adjunct Information Security Officer
The University of Texas at Dallas

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