SUDO Help password change deligation question

Mikhail Goriachev mikhailg at
Thu May 25 17:58:36 PDT 2006

Sean Murphy wrote:
> I would like to not give root access but enable a user account (not in
> wheel) to change user passwords with passwd username command.  I just
> would like to delegate the password changing ability to someone else but
> not give them super user privileges other then passwd.  Would this be
> something sudo can do?  can you restrict what accounts passwords they
> can change for instance everyone but system root and my account?

Yes, sudo can limit the access of what to execute. However, I'd write my
own little script (passwd wrapper) that checks whose account is being
modified. Then you can prevent misuse.


Mikhail Goriachev

Telephone: +61 (0)3 62252501
Mobile Phone: +61 (0)4 38255158
E-Mail: mikhailg at

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