Disk Geometry Errors.

Lisandro Grullon lisandro.grullon at gmail.com
Wed May 24 07:49:11 PDT 2006

Good Morning,

Last night I was trying installing a new Areca controller 1120 8 ports using
a 5 bay (300GB seagate) drives Raid 5. The main OS is install using the SATA
controller in RAID 1 configuration of the mother board, the addition of last
night was a separate controller I install.The install when good and I
installed my modules in the kernel, now my problem is when I try to
partition the volume using fdisk/label with system install it is giving me
nasty disk geometry incorrect error, can anyone tell me what is this all
about? Thank you.

Lisandro Grullon
New York City College of Technology
Division of Continuing Education
Director of Network Operations
Lisandro Office:    1718-552-1178
Lisandro E-mail:   lgrullon at citytech.cuny.edu
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once.".
<Albert Einstein>

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