FreeBSD Book for New Users Available in PDF Format

Annelise Anderson andrsn at
Sat May 20 00:43:33 PDT 2006

 	The book I wrote for users new to FreeBSD and Unix--
FreeBSD: An Open Source Operating System for Your Personal Computer--
is out of print now (although DeamonNews may have a few copies) and
no longer available on Amazon, although they may still be listing
the first edition.

 	Many people have written to thank me for providing an
introductory book for new users.  This book is based on versions
4.1-4.11 of FreeBSD and doesn't cover 5.x or 6.x at all.  But
I continue to get requests for it.  So it's available in pdf
format on

 	It's still copyrighted (I own the copyright) and so is
available for personal use, not reprint.  But feel free to download
and print.  Let me know if it doesn't work.


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