Buildworld fails 6.0-RELEASE-p4

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at
Wed May 17 08:35:15 PDT 2006

Federico Canton wrote:

>Hello, I have not been able to successfully buildworld for a few months.  My
>last succesfull buildworld was on 1/25/06.
>$ uname -a
>FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE-p4 FreeBSD 6.0-RELEASE-p4 #0: Wed Jan
>25 17:25:16 PST 2006     root at
>Buildworld failed when I was trying to update to RELENG_6, and I thought it
>was a bug that would be fixed by RELENG_6_1.  Now that 6.1 has been released
>I have tried many times, but still every time buildworld fails at a
>different place.  Below I added the last two times it failed.
If buildworld fails at a different place every time then  you probably 
have bad memory*.  Try memtest86+, memtest86 or if you have multiple 
sticks, try using each one in turn on its own and see if you still get 
the failure.


(*) It might be some other hardware problem, but bad memory is probably 
the most frequent and hopefully easiest to diagnose.  Other 
possibilities include bad memory socket, or just bad seating.

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