newly installed apps not in path?

Atom Powers atom.powers at
Mon May 15 13:36:41 PDT 2006

I've noticed this behavior since 4.3, but it's just now starting to
get really annoying.

Whan I install a new application (from ports) I have to execute it
with the full path until I start a new shell. (in sh, tcsh, and bash)

What causes this behavior, and how can I fix it (cause newly installed
apps to be executable without a full path)?

DIT793# which sudo
sudo: Command not found.
DIT793# portinstall sudo
DIT793# ll /usr/local/bin/sudo
---s--x--x  2 root  wheel  89020 May 15 13:31 /usr/local/bin/sudo
DIT793# which sudo
sudo: Command not found.
DIT793# tcsh
DIT793# which sudo
DIT793# exit
DIT793# which sudo
sudo: Command not found.

Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard.
--Atom Powers--

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