Undeliverable mail: ERROR

Kimberly-Clark E-mail Administration (WSS) email.admin at kcc.com
Sat May 13 05:36:27 PDT 2006

                  ***** SECURITY NOTICE *****

This is an automated notification.  An attachment was sent by your
address, in the message "ERROR", that violates Kimberly-Clark's E-mail
security policy regarding potentially dangerous attachments.
The offending message has been dropped and will not be delivered.

Unsafe attachments include: 
SHS, VBS, VBA, VBX, JS, JSE, VBE, COM, SCR, PIF and EXE file types and
message/partial MIME content (split messages.)

If you need to send one of these file attachments for business reasons,
please compress this file into a password-protected .ZIP archive file
before sending.  You may use WinZip, PentaZip, gzip or another
comparable program.

If you do not know why you received this notice, it is possible that
your computer has been infected by a virus, or someone else's computer,
whom you correspond with, has been infected and is now using your
address without your knowledge or consent.  Please contact your system
administrator for further information.

We apologize for any inconvenience, and thank you for your
understanding. If you have any questions, please send them to
postmaster at kcc.com.  Do not include any attachments.

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