New FreeBSD Logo

fbsd fbsd at
Wed May 10 12:38:19 UTC 2006

As a long time reader of this list I did not see any
announcement of it here. Only after selection of the
new logo was made was it talked about on this list.
People were very up set with it them and the ground
swell over this has only gotten bigger.

Loyal long time users are feeling insulted about being
left out from the decision about the need for a new logo.
A post in the archive give some lame reasons for a new logo
which many people disagreed with even then but still the
new legal FreeBSD foundation went ahead any how putting it
on the official website removing the "beastie" logo.

I for one do not see any need to change the logo at all.
It's just as professional as the "penguin".

I would say special effort was made to keep this whole
new logo thing a secret from the general user population.

That also goes for the formation of the new legal FreeBSD
Not a word of it happening on this list until it was a done deal.
You can see from this thread just how big a stink this is making.

Lets point the finger at the real reason for the new logo.
As part of the new legal FreeBSD foundation, the people who
set it up though it's better to own the complete legal rights
to the logo. The "beastie" logo legal rights is owned by
an individual. So being pressed for time they choose to keep it
off the questions list and pushed it through selecting what
ever logo they had just to meet the filing dead line for
the new legal FreeBSD foundation formation.

For those of you who think this subject is flame bait,

Sham on you, shut your pie hole.

I want to know the email addresses of the people in control of
the new foundation and everyone on this list who does not like
the new logo  and/or the way in which it was forced upon us
should email them to voice our dissatisfaction directly to them.
Because its obvious posting on this list has no effect or value
in determining what happens to the legal FreeBSD organization
and thus the logo used to represent us.

If you want your voice in this matter to be effective you have
to email those in legal control of the FreeBSD foundation.
It's time they stop hiding and become accountable for
their stupid collective actions.

Its time the FreeBSD foundation offer an binding vote by the general
user population from all the FreeBSD lists to settle this question
once and for all about the "beastie" logo being the
official FreeBSD foundation logo. This even includes our brothers
and sisters in other countries who have their own
websites and don't even know about this logo problem yet.

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