Writing to a mounted NTFS drive

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Mon May 8 02:25:21 UTC 2006

GiL A. Virtucio wrote:
> Hi, I have a mounted an NTFS partition that is set as "rw" in fstab. I can
> read the data stored  in the drive but I cannot store new files on that
> drive. Anybody here encountered this before? Or can anybody please 
> suggest a way to make that drive writable?

Yes; I imagine that *everybody* who has tried this has encountered
this (or something similar) before...

If you RTF(riendly ;-)M, you'll see this:

      There is limited writing ability.  Limitations:
file must be nonresident and must not contain any sparces
(uninitialized areas); compressed files are also not supported.
The file name must not contain multibyte characters.

A port exists (ntfsprogs) that *might* write NTFS a
tad better, but I'm not sure that it's at all guaranteed.
I'm certainly not going to do so ;-)

IIRC, when you look up "proprietary" at Wikipedia, NTFS
is a synonym. :-D

Kevin Kinsey

Lo!  Men have become the tool of their tools.
		-- Henry David Thoreau

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