Thunderbird and Firefox dead after portupgrade

Micah micahjon at
Thu Mar 30 22:42:14 UTC 2006

illoai at wrote:
> On 3/30/06, Micah <micahjon at> wrote:
>> Lars Cleary wrote:
>>> Micah wrote:
>>>> I just updated my ports collection this morning and upgraded all out
>>>> of date ports, including thunderbird and firefox.  Now typing
>>>> thunderbird or firefox on the command line does absolutely nothing.
>>> Recently someone solved a problem with the same symptom by
>>> changing the ownership of the profiles of Firefox and Thunderbird,
>>> the were b0rked and couldnt' be read.
>> Checking... All files in ~/.mozilla and its subs are owned by my user
>> and my user's group and have rw (x for dirs) as a minimum for user (some
>> have r and rw for group).  Likewise for ~/.thunderbird.
> might try mv .mozilla .moz-backup
> and then try starting it again.

Tried that.

> The slightly more painful operation might be to upgrade
> the whole dependancy tree under firefox/t-b.
> I think this would be:
> portupgrade -ufR firefox* or summat (I'm fairly certain
> from the original post that you've portupgrade installed).

Was about to try that (see below)

> Note that works as advertised here, and I don't
> use dunndarbrydde. was commited last night, so it's probably a recent breakage. 
I just found a bug report on it at
So we have four confirmed cases of firefox not working.


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