ASCII files becoming double lined

usleepless at usleepless at
Thu Mar 30 21:29:38 UTC 2006

> >
> >
> >or is that a risk you can't take either? ( or is
> >you?, then all bets are off )

no, i was trying to save you time and money.

but after some googling i just discovered you are just a kid. i am a
funny guy, i just might find your professor/teacher involved in your
"thesis" and point him to your resource wasting/brutal activities

> Are you trying to advertise for a friend of yours here?

no sorry, i have no Norwegian friends :-) i chose this company from
the FreeBSD website.

> >i don't know why i am doing this. i have a very hard time
> >understanding your brutality towards people who obviously have tried
> >very hard to help you.
> What thread are you referring to here?

buildworld baby

> I love those who helped me.
> As long as the last word they say isn't:
> Ok you're an idiot, you didn't do what I say even though
> you claim to do what I told you to do. Things still don't work?
> Obviously you didn't do what I told you to do.

it takes a man take accept the truth.

> >and then you go on and ask stooopid (dvd) questions on the list, which
> >aren't even remotely connected to freebsd. questions which show you
> >obviously don't know what you are talking about.
> The reason I asked it on the FreeBSD questions list was because
> I tried the exact same approach on a Linux machine and it worked just
> fine there.

ahhh, there it is:

you are not here with an open mind, just with preoccupations.

> >i respect those who continue to support, disregarding history or
> >person. respect.
> Are you a much respected person?

i wouldn't dare to say.

> Otherwise there's no point in following your advice.

hmmmm. i will need to think about this.

> >could some fellow norwegian talk some sense into this guy? you guys
> >must be ashamed, right?
> What are they suppose to say?

if a dutch person was harassing the list like this, i would send him a
personal email in dutch stating he is wasting resources, not
contributing, and should treat the internet as the real world. if he
persisted i would probably pay him a visit.



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