Fwd: package vs ports question

Kevin Kinsey kdk at daleco.biz
Mon Mar 27 15:27:28 UTC 2006

Luiz Eduardo Guida Valmont wrote:

>Thanks for the answer. I just hope I'm not messing things too much.
>So if a port may override a package, is the only solution to this
>generate a package then install it? Now if this happens, what will
>happen for example (supposing I install everything from packages - or
>"make package" then pkg_add for that matter) when I install Adobe
>Acrobat? Are all its dependancies going to be installed as well? I
>mean, ports doesn't "know" which packages were installed by pkg_add,
>which is how I suppose those packages are installed. Sorry if I cannot
>make myself clear enough, but there's still the fog that blinds
>newbies like me. :)

Sorry if I'm interjecting stupid stuff here .. . haven't yet backtracked
this thread.

What exactly do you mean, "ports doesn't *know* which packages
were installed by pkg_add" ... they use the same database, and as
far as the ports(7) mechanism is concerned, they are the same thing.

The difference is in the details visible to the user; as far as the ports
system is concerned, files is files, and port/package data is data.

>Is it possible to generate packages for all the dependancies? Does
>"make package" do this for all packages for which a package can be
>created? I hope I won't need to reinstall them but you know... you
>never know. :)

'make package' should include all dependencies, by my understanding;
however, my understanding isn't the greatest, so YMMV.

>Thanks again...



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