TinyDNS question

Russell E. Meek rmeek at russellmeek.net
Thu Mar 23 00:29:12 UTC 2006

Steve Camp wrote:
> Hi Russell,
> I am not very familiar with TinyDNS, other than it originated from
> D.J. Bernstein, and, as such, I tend to think of it as
>     o small
>     o fast
>     o secure
> Does that pretty well sum up TinyDNS?  Are there any downsides to
> TinyDNS?  Are there any things that "normal" DNS (i.e. BIND) can do,
> that TinyDNS cannot?
> Regards,
> --
> Steve Camp
> steve at camp.com
> On Thu, Mar 23, 2006 at 12:06:17AM -0000, anonymous at aries.russellmeek.net wrote:
>> Steve,
>> If you are using TinyDNS (DJBDNS) then VegaDNS www.vegadns.org will allow
>> you to accomplish exactly what you are looking for.
>> Check it out, seems to work extremely well.
>> Thanks,
>> Russell
>> On 3/22/2006, "Steve Camp" <steve at camp.com> wrote:
>>> Someone is potentially interested in leasing a domain name from me.
>>> One of the technical points is DNS control.  What DNS tools exist that
>>> would allow me to maintain the DNS servers, but let this party login
>>> and administer DNS entries.  I'm thinking along the lines of some sort
>>> of web-based tool.  A user would login / authenticate themselves, but
>>> the tool would limit the domains they could manage in some fashion.
>>> Regards,
>>> --
>>> Steve Camp
>>> steve at camp.com
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Yes the DJBDNS suite (TinyDNS, DNSCache) is much more secure and faster 
than BIND.

Many people have issues with Bernsteins licenses, etc.  For me it does 
not matter.

TinyDNS is a different setup for creating A records and such, but once 
learned is much better than BIND.

DJBDNS is just like QMail - a collection of small apps to perform the 
larger job at hand.

Here are a couple of excellent sites to get you started.

http://matt.simerson.net/computing/dns/djbdns-freebsd.shtml (Excellent 
Qmail information also)
http://ezine.daemonnews.org/200210/ezdjbdns.html (DJBDNS Setup for FreeBSD)

Just remember that once properly configured many of the main "security" 
exploits you find BIND suffers from (Cache Poisoning, etc.) are 
extremely difficult to perform if not impossible to perform.



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