Daily chksetuid script - how to ignore certain dirs/filesystems?

Pat Maddox pergesu at gmail.com
Sun Mar 19 15:25:45 UTC 2006

On 3/19/06, Ceri Davies <ceri at submonkey.net> wrote:
> On 19/3/06 10:58, "Pat Maddox" <pergesu at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have a backup script that runs every night, backing up everything to
> > a backup drive.  When the security script runs, it finds a bunch of
> > setuid files at /backup - I'd like to ignore those files, so I don't
> > have to wade through them every day.  I also back up to a remote
> > server and it results in the same thing.  How can I make it skip over
> > the backup dir, or at least ignore it in the output?  The cron file in
> > question is /etc/periodic/security/100.chksetuid
> The best way to be to mount /backup nosuid.

How about on the other server?  The files go to the /home partition
(and that's where they have to go).

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