Ask for your recommended system & network monitoring system.

Vaaf vaaf at
Sun Mar 19 11:05:11 UTC 2006

>There are many of 'em, for example I am using:
>net-mgmt/nagios -
>sysutils/munin-main (server)-
>sysutils/munin-node (remote agent)
>Also I am going to look into zabbix ( which 
>is bit older in ports (net-mgmt/zabbix for main, net/zabbix-agent 
>for remote agents), but you can try version from their webpage.
>Also there is nice piece called monit 
>( which can also proactively take 
>some actions based on current status, so it can avoid few incidents.
>Email notification and alerts are quite standard in all those examples.

Nice suggestions Martin! Thank you.
Be sure to check out also ...


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