configuring fetch to passive mode

Erik Norgaard norgaard at
Fri Mar 17 10:41:31 UTC 2006


This ought to be a configuration tunable, but I can't find any 
documentaion on it: How to I force fetch to use passive mode?

When I try "make fetch" of some port I get:

   => Attempting to fetch from \
   fetch: \ \
       Operation not permitted

It fails quickly, no sign of things timing out.

In my firewall (pf), I have

block in  quick on $ext_if all
pass  out quick on $ext_if proto tcp  all flags S/SA keep state
pass  out quick on $ext_if proto udp  all keep state
pass  out quick on $ext_if proto icmp all keep state

which basically block ftp active, but should allow ftp passive. If I 
flush the rules fetch works fine, so it must be an issue of fetch trying 
active mode.

Setting FTP_PASSIVE_MODE=YES as environment variable or in make.conf 
doesn't change a thing.

Thanks, Erik

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