Power adapter question (off topic, sorry)

wc_fbsd at xxiii.com wc_fbsd at xxiii.com
Tue Mar 7 05:08:26 UTC 2006

At 11:57 PM 3/6/2006, Bill Schoolcraft wrote:
>I've lost my Lucent/Orinoco RG-1000 power supply.
>The Access Point states it needs 9volts-DC @ 1.1amps.
>All I can find at Radio Shack is 9volts-DC @ 1.0amps.

I did some quick googling, and it looks like the same unit is sold 
under HP and some other brands.  Maybe you can find one on EBay with 
a power adapter?

Otherwise... buy the Radio Shanty adapter and give it a try.  I found 
a pic' of the internals of the unit, and it looks like it further 
filters and regulates the 9V to a lower level, so the slightly lower 
current output probably isn't a problem.  Worst case, it just won't 
work;  I doubt you can damage it trying.

(disclaimer - I've been a hardware hobbyist for 30 or so years, but I 
flunked out of EE @ Univ of Cincinnati 21 years ago!)


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