switching timezone within crontab?

Danny Howard dannyman at toldme.com
Mon Mar 6 08:36:11 PST 2006

> On 3/4/06, Noel Jones <noeldude at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Pretty sure the above will only set the timezone for your job, and not
> > alter the schedule time.  But I don't know a solution to your problem.
> How about running cron with the TZ environment set?
> Ie. setting TZ=UTC in /etc/rc.d/cron
> I haven't tried this myself.

Well, if I only ever wanted to schedule cron jobs in a single time
zone, that might work.

For my current case, its trying to transfer files over in a timely
manner.  I figured my local time zone hits last night's UTC midnight
at 4pm or 5pm, depending on DST (this would be trivial if my UTC
offset was static . . . DST is the most stupid kludge ever perpetrated
. . .) . . . so, I just schedule the cron at 6pm, which is always at
least an hour after midnight.  (mmmm, delicious paradox. :)




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