Grab video from video camera

Tim Clewlow tim1timau at
Mon Mar 6 14:07:35 UTC 2006


I would like to plug a video camera into an i386 arch
computer running FreeBSD. Then I want to do depth
(distance) determination of various parts of the image
using an image processing algorithm. I've already
worked out an algorithm, so what I want to know is,
does anyone know of any libraries / drivers that can
be used to grab pixel data from a video camera in real
time. I would very much like to use those libraries /
drivers as it would avoid me having to write them
myself. Oh, and I'd need to know which camera you used
to get it working too.

I realise this could be a bit of a big ask - but if
you can offer any information at all about doing this
I would be really really grateful.

Thankyou, Tim.

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