Haven't been able to make world in about a year

Stijn Hoop stijn at win.tue.nl
Fri Mar 3 03:05:19 PST 2006


On Fri, Mar 03, 2006 at 11:58:37AM +0100, Kristian Vaaf wrote:
> The single user boot seems interesting, but is it really necessary?
> Isn't it just for temporary security reasons?

No. You need to reboot to actually use (and test) your new kernel, the
single user part is helpful so that no incompatible binaries are
started (from the old installed world).

> I run the script to save time.
> Basically I'd run the exact same chain of commands otherwise.

You're missing the point: you'd run the exact same chain of commands

--> _if everything goes according to plan_ <--

What this list has been telling you is that it sometimes doesn't work
like anyone expects to, and you need to make an informed decision about
the next command to enter instead of having the script proceed.


This sentence contradicts itself -- no actually it doesn't.
		-- Hofstadter
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