Python port problems

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at
Mon Jun 19 08:34:22 UTC 2006

Joe Auty wrote:

> On Jun 18, 2006, at 1:28 PM, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
>> Joe Auty wrote:
>>> On Jun 15, 2006, at 6:16 AM, Alex Zbyslaw wrote:
>>>> Joe Auty wrote:
>>>>> jauty# python -v /usr/local/mailman/bin/qrunner
>>>>> [...snip...]
>>>>> # /usr/local/lib/python2.4/getopt.pyc matches /usr/local/lib/   
>>>>> python2.4/
>>>>> import getopt # precompiled from /usr/local/lib/python2.4/ getopt.pyc
>>>>> # /usr/local/mailman/bin/paths.pyc matches /usr/local/mailman/ 
>>>>> bin/
>>>>> import paths # precompiled from /usr/local/mailman/bin/paths.pyc
>>>>> [...snip...]
>>>> OK, you just ran qrunner successfully without getting the error  
>>>> you  were getting earlier about getopt.  Doesn't matter that all  
>>>> you got  was help, it found *everything* that it tried to import.
>>>> I missed the start of this thread.  How did you run qrunner to  
>>>> get  your earlier error and where did the error appear?  I think  
>>>> you  said the rc script.  If it's not too big can you post it?   
>>>> Or  compare it against your working mailman?
>>> My Mailman rc script (exactly identical to the one on my working   
>>> machine):
>> You're getting your error when mailman starts at boot time; is that  
>> right?
>> If so, what happens if you try as root (csh):
>> # sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start
>> (you might have to check the exact name of the rc.d script).
>> If this starts mailman then something bizarre is going on.
>> If you get the same error as usual, then judicious snippets with  the 
>> error and prior context.
> Running the RC script under sh, csh, and bash yields the same error  
> spew....
> I've attached the errors spewed out in their entirety:

Sorry, the csh/sh distinction should have been edited out by me - I was 
redirecting the output in my first edit then took it out.  However, the 
point was to run with sh -x as that will trace execution and might find 
where <prefix> has been written.

Can you try:

$ ls /usr/local/etc/rc.d/mailman*

$ ls /etc/rc.d/mailman*

(in case some old script has hung around)

$ find /usr/local/mailman -type f -exec egrep -H  '<prefix>' {} \;

(to try to find <prefix> somewhere in mailman install)

and if that finds nothing

$ sh -x /usr/local/etc/rc.d/ start

[from mailman list]

> One wild guess - look at bin/ It should contain real paths as
> definitions for 'prefix' and 'exec_prefix'. If it's wrong, then so
> probably are cron/ and scripts/ (and who knows what
> else).

We tried looking in that first  file a couple iterations ago :-(  Above 
I've tried looking in others but I don't think that will be it.   don't 
think it's the mailman install per se as you ran qrunner from the 
command line and it worked.  Try again to be sure:


and you' should get the help message and not an import error.


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