How to get networker backup software

Donald Teed donald.teed at
Fri Jun 2 12:49:11 PDT 2006


Our institution uses networker for backups.  We absolutely require
networker client for FreeBSD.  I'm astonished that it was just dropped
from ports.

I have a dozen or so machines where networker client is already
humming along and it works well for us.  I have a recently setup
BSD box I want to add to the backup routines.  Unfortunately,
making a tar of nsr folder and copying the script
has not worked.  We have the same 4.11 BSD on all BSD boxes.
When I try to run nsrexecd, it dumps core.

I found an old copy of the dists tarball, but that doesn't
contain everything I'm finding in an existing install of networker
client on another BSD box.

Has anyone figured out how to support networker client
since it was dropped from ports?


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