portsdb output and portaudit question

Gerard gerard at seibercom.net
Mon Jul 31 22:12:57 UTC 2006

"jan gestre" <freebsd.ph at gmail.com>

> > > after almost an eternity i finally was able to upgrade all packages via
> > portmanager, run cvsup then portsdb and with the same end result, i still
> > get those missing..not install... packages :(

It seems to me that you rebuilt your system with portmanager in just a
few hours. It would take me a few days to rebuild everything. However, I
do have Open Office and the full KDE suite installed.

What is the output of the portmanager log. It is in
/var/log/portmanager.log. Please post it or send it to me. I want to see
what it reports.



    |\      _,,,---,,_     |             Gerard Seibert
Zzz /,`.-'`'    -.  ;-;;,_ |          gerard at seibercom.net
   |,4-  ) )-,_. ,\ (  `'-'| icq: 95653152          FAX: (845) 228-1602
  '---''(_/--'  `-'\_)     |           //This Space Available//

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