Sendiing mail triggers fetchmail...

Chuck Swiger cswiger at
Mon Jul 31 11:01:11 UTC 2006

Chris T. wrote:
> I'm going to set a cron job to get mail repeatedly.
> I was just wondering if anyone know if it's possible to get postfix to 
> execute a script before or after it sends mail.  I'd like to schedule a 
> special fetchmail cron job for say 5 seconds after mail is sent on an 
> account.  I'm doing a search on the subject but I obviously don't know 
> the proper search terms yet.
> And similarly can Cyrus-Imap trigger a script before and or after mail 
> retrieval?

People normally configure their .forward file to run scripts, but if you want 
it fired off by the MTA like Postfix, look into integrating procmail with Postfix.


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