Gotta start somewhere ... how many of us are really out there?

Xiao-Yong Jin xj2106 at
Sat Jul 29 04:55:16 UTC 2006

"Nikolas Britton" <nikolas.britton at> writes:

> On 7/28/06, Atom Powers <atom.powers at> wrote:
>> On 7/28/06, User Freebsd <freebsd at> wrote:
>> >
>> > Towards that end, as a starter, I would like to encourage everyone out
>> > there running 1 or more FreeBSD boxes to go to
>> >
>> >  
>> >
>> > register all of your hosts, and install /usr/ports/sysutils/uptimec and
>> > get it running ...
>> >

People like me who only use FreeBSD on the laptop would certainly give
much shorter uptimes.  Okay, I just wanna say, it's very strange to a
mobile/desktop user.

>> Heh. You won't get more than a tiny percentage of hosts that way; I
>> believe most of us, even those on this list (which is nowhere close to
>> the total user base), don't care to be listed.
>> My shop runs 30+ FreeBSD hosts, and I have several more for personal
>> use. But of those there are maybe 2-3 that I would be ok with listing
>> and exactly zero that I will actually list. It's not that I don't want
>> to help, but I'm not going to run a process like that on a production
>> server.
> What about sending something as simple as uname -mr?
>> uname -mr
> 6.1-STABLE i386

That's it.

> The only way this idea will work is if we put some code in the base
> system that sends something generic every few months. for example.
> Send 'uname -mr' to every 3 months. It would be very
> easy to 'opt out', perhaps stats_enable="NO" in rc.conf.
> Alternatively we could make it 'opt in' at install time. The installer
> could add stats_enable="YES" to rc.conf when someone answers yes.
> The actual code to implement this is trivial, something like a few
> lines of shell script and a config file that lists the next send date.
> This config file can be checked during the monthly periodic and if
> needed trigger the stats script to send the anonymous data and update
> the next send date in the config file. If the stats script can't find
> a path out it should update the next send date and then die.

We can also collect the access information of the cvsup server and
portsnap server, can't we?

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