Using extended partitions.. ?

Gobbledegeek gobbledegeek at
Sat Jul 29 04:39:30 UTC 2006

Thanks all.  I  have XP and linux  share  the  xtended partition,  and
 now I want to say bye bye  linux (I  need  XP for worldwind  s/w) .
Ido not  see the extended  logical drives containing  ext3 from
sysinstall that  is the problem.

The cmdline freebsd  fdisk feels  like  a  throw  back tp the  pdp-11 days :)
So I'm  going to  try and  mount  them  from bsd  below  my  home
folder,  without deleting them first... until I work  out  exactly how
 to  use  the fbsd fdiks  cmdline without  damaging  anything.

Thanks  once  again!


On 7/29/06, Charles Swiger <cswiger at> wrote:
> On Jul 28, 2006, at 4:55 PM, Gobbledegeek wrote:
> > I've wanted to try  this for a  long time,  but  I believed  its  not
> > possible,  but  never  asked  anyone so....
> >
> > Is  it possible to have multiple freebsd slices (partitions)  on a
> > single disk?
> Sure.  You'd be mounting filesystems from /dev/ad0s2 rather than
> ad0s1, for example, depending on your hard drive position in the ATA
> chain and which FDISK partitions you've used.
> > For  example, I  already got a  fbsd slice  with
> > partitions in it,  now  I  want to  add  another and  use that  space,
> > after deleting  a windoze partition.
> Should be no problem.
> > What about using  an  extended  logical  partition  as  a freebsd
> > slice?
> IMHO, logical partitions are pure evil which was invented to work
> around the 4-partition FDISK limit, and are nearly useless to
> anything which creates its own slices or subpartitions within an
> FDISK partition the way BSD or Linux can.
> YMMV, but I would convert the extended partition into a normal one
> and use it directly within FreeBSD, as I do not believe you can boot
> from extended partitions...
> --
> -Chuck

[Everything but Gobbledegook.. !!]

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