X11/glx question

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at dial.pipex.com
Fri Jul 28 16:45:17 UTC 2006

pete wright wrote:

> On 7/28/06, Robert Huff <roberthuff at rcn.com> wrote:
>> pete wright writes:
>> >  Hmm, I'd like to see your X.org config file.  I am guessing you
>> >  may have the Nvidia glx module or Nvidia graphics driver
>> >  referenced in there.
> hmm...that's wierd.  the glx and dri drivers should not be dependant
> upon the nvidia dirivers or blob's.  you are able to load X from this
> config when you comment out the dri and glx lines correct?  did you
> install the dri stuff from ports?  i'm kinda stumped myself.
Is it possible that you have installed nvidia-driver in the past?  It (I 
think) overwrites X11R6 glx stuff.  Make sure nvidia-driver isn't 
installed now and (hateful I know) try re-installing xorg-libraries and 
xorg-server.  The nvidia-driver definitely won't help you if you have a 
matrox card!


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