Virtual Private Servers???

Philip Hallstrom freebsd at
Wed Jul 26 03:44:26 UTC 2006

> Ok, I'm a FreeBSD guy. Recently I moved into another
> company. All of their servers runs Linux. For my first
> assignment, I need to have a comparison between
> various Linux Virtualizations. So far I came up with
> Virtuozzo/OpenVZ, Xen, UML, Linux-Vserver. As far as I
> can understand, all of them are somewhat connected to
> the Linux kernel. Ok, it's not a simple software.. it
> uses the Linux kernel, and I cannot simply install it
> on my favorite OS.
> Questions:
> Do you know any sort of virtualization project ongoing
> on top of FreeBSD or any BSDs?
> As far as I can understand, the jail does
> virtualization but only with processes and not the
> entire Os, am I right?

I don't know exactly where Xen for FreeBSD is at at the moment (keep 
meaning to go check), but I am pretty sure it can run as a guest OS.  So 
you could have linux be the host and a bunch of FreeBSD guests...

As for Jails, I have a box that has 2 jails on it that with very few 
exceptions look and feel like a full blown OS.  I ssh to them.  I run 
postfix, mysql, apache, rails, etc...  all okay.  The only isuses I run 
into are when trying to ping/traceroute/netstat/top..

Search around for 'ezjail'.  It's a set of scripts meant to help you run a 
lot of jails while using very little space by sharing a lot of the files 
(ie, everything in /usr/(bin|lib|include)....)


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