any audio wizards know howto store *.smil files?

Robert Huff roberthuff at
Tue Jul 25 21:45:58 UTC 2006

Gary Kline writes:

>  > 	If I really want to save something which is streamed, my best
>  > and not always sucessful answer is to dissect the html then sic
>  > fetch on it ....
>  How best to decode this::
>  + fetch
>  getAd?version=4.5a&naid=175&playerid=1&streamr100% of   26 kB   17 kBps
>  tao# 
>  > 
>  	This only took a few seconds so can't be right. The song is over
>  	3 minutes.  Singer is an ex computer hacker turned singer.  There
>  	are at least five free songs.    How would you parse the http
>  	string?

	Like I said: not always sucessful.

				Robert Huff

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