dumping net traffic to log file

Dan Nelson dnelson at allantgroup.com
Tue Jul 25 18:06:38 UTC 2006

In the last episode (Jul 25), Steel City Phantom said:
> Great, im making good progress here.  it seems like tcpdump only
> captures the headers, is there a way to capture the entire packet,
> data and all?

tcpdump only displays a packet summary by default.  If you want to see
the full packet data, use -X.  It's better if you don't do this during
capture, though, since it may cause you to drop packets.  capture to a
file with the -w flag (possibly with -s0 to capture the entire packet),
then view the data later with -r.

See the manpage for more details.

	Dan Nelson
	dnelson at allantgroup.com

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