Are hardware vendors starting to bail on FreeBSD ... ?

Andrew Robinson A.Robinson at
Mon Jul 24 21:50:05 UTC 2006

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:                                                         
> ----- Original Message -----                         
> From: "Danial Thom" <danial_thom at>                  
> To: "Greg Barniskis" <nalists at>; "Nick Withers"         
> <nick at>                            
> Cc: <jerrymc at>; <danial_thom at>;           
> <freebsd-questions at>                        
> Sent: Thursday, July 13, 2006 11:10 AM                    
> Subject: Re: Are hardware vendors starting to bail on FreeBSD ... ?      
>> Burying your head in the sand is a common method               
>> used by stupid people that have no answer to the               
>> truth. I don't blame you; you guys don't want                
>> your employers to know that you've wasted man                
>> 1000s of their dollars because you don't know the              
>> performance characteristics of the hardware                 
>> you've recommended. It must be thoroughly                  
>> embarrassing.                                
> I do agree with Danial that most USERS on this list are            
> burying their heads in the sand on this issue. But I will          
> point out that there isn't really any reason they shouldn't          
> be. What the market wants is features, not speed. And            
> that is what the FreeBSD developers are working on.              

Writing as a USER on this list - I think that the Total Cost of
Ownership is also an important consideration.  I run FreeBSD because
the user-machine combination is more efficient, even if the OS itself
is slower - and I don't know about that.  I escaped from Windows via
Linux and settled here just when 5.0 came out.  I really like the
tools and the organization of the OS.  More features is nice, more
speed is nice, but I just like the way that it works.  Warm kudos to
the developers for that.


Andrew Robinson  
Department of Mathematics and Statistics            Tel: +61-3-8344-9763
University of Melbourne, VIC 3010 Australia         Fax: +61-3-8344-4599
Email: a.robinson at

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