Searching a drive and copying files

Joshua Lewis joshua.lewis at
Mon Jul 24 12:00:34 UTC 2006

Many of the images will have the same name. I somehow managed to copy  
the same files several times when trying to do backup and restores.

At this point in time they are going from my Apple laptop to my  
FreeBSD server. I am going to start looking for a inexpensive Tape  
drive to back up my data.

I have been using iPhoto to manage my images.

Joshua Lewis
joshua.lewis at

On Jul 23, 2006, at 3:41 AM, Michael Hughes wrote:

> Joshua,
>   On the dups, will the names of the files be the same or different?
>   Do you have plans on how you will be storing the images after you
> get rid of the dups?  Have the images be edited and if they have, did
> you edit them with a EXIF aware program?
>   I use a program called epinfo to rename my images, it is part of the
> photopc utility.  I have just a little over 10,000 digital images and
> store them by year, month, day and time.  epinfo uses the EXIF data to
> rename the files and set the time stamps for the files.  I have  
> written
> some php programs to allow me to display the images thru a web
> browser.  It uses a MySQL database to manage the images into
> categories.  I also store a checksum of the picture in the database
> so I can check to see if the images have become damaged.  I have a
> script that I wrote check the check sum in the database to the image.
> I do backups whenever I add new images to the hard drive. This is  
> still
> a work in progress.
>   If you can send me a little more data on your files and how you want
> to store the images,  I could help you in you task.
> On Sat, 22 Jul 2006 10:47:13 -0400
> Joshua Lewis <joshua.lewis at> wrote:
>> Hello List,
>> I have a two part question for anyone who may be able to help.
>> I need to search my drive for all pictures on my system and copy
>> them to a networked system using sftp or ssh or what not. There will
>> be duplicate names on the drive so I was hoping to have dups placed
>> in a separate folder. Due to my for lack of a better term stupidity
>> when I first got my camera I will probably have instances when there
>> will be three or four duplicates. If anyone can help me out with that
>> it would be great.
>> Second is there a resource online I can use to learn how to do my
>> own shell scripting?
>> My goal is to find all my pictures and compare them then delete the
>> dups that don't look that good. A daunting task as I have 20 GB of
>> data. I bet 10 GB are dups.
>> Thanks for any help.
>> Sincerely,
>> Joshua Lewis
>> joshua.lewis at
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> Michael Hughes                      Log Home living is the best
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