auto-guessing filesystems

Lennon Cook maguswizardo at
Mon Jul 24 07:56:57 UTC 2006

I have been looking over the tutorial for automounting removable
devices  at , and have
come to one interesting point. It has the fstab line:
 /dev/da0                /mnt/usbflash       auto    noauto          0       0

However, my system doesn't appear to support 'auto' as an fstype. I
assume that it would guess the filesystem type ala Linux, which is
about the only thing I miss about the mount system there.
Can this actually be made to work easily on FreeBSD, or is this
tutorial using an untested fstab entry?

(Please keep me CCd).
Lennon Victor Cook
"He who receives an idea from me receives without lessening, as he who
lights his candle at mine receives light without darkening" - Thomas

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