Corrupt MBOX

Gerard Seibert gerard at
Sun Jul 23 19:14:17 UTC 2006

Derek Ragona wrote:

> The problem is caused by bad headers that trip up pop.  Pop reads the email 
> file looking for the headers and the body of the message.  If the header is 
> not complete, pop servers give an error and quit.  This usually causes 
> users to get multiple copies of mail until the error is encountered or no 
> pop email at all.
> The only way I have found to fix this is to either use pine and delete the 
> bad message.  Pine is better at handling mal-formed headers.  Or to use a 
> webmail interface to delete the bad email.
>          -Derek

Actually, I installed Dovecot and the problem seems to have dissipated.

Gerard Seibert
gerard at

While I am looking at an object I can not imagine it.


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