Searching a drive and copying files
parv at
Sun Jul 23 17:28:04 UTC 2006
in message <336A5DA6-5A43-44C0-8961-139C81702AB3 at>,
wrote Joshua Lewis thusly...
> I need to search my drive for all pictures on my system and copy
> them to a networked system using sftp or ssh or what not. There
> will be duplicate names on the drive so I was hoping to have dups
> placed in a separate folder.
Unison, net/unison port, should be able to handle the duplicates
based on file checksum. (I personally have not used it much, so i
cannot answer any other queried about it; refer to its fine man
> Due to my for lack of a better term stupidity when I first got
> my camera I will probably have instances when there will be three
> or four duplicates. can help me out with that it would be great.
> My goal is to find all my pictures and compare them then delete
> the dups that don't look that good. A daunting task as I have 20
> GB of data. I bet 10 GB are dups.
A checksum-based management of duplicates will help with the files
with identical contents, but not with files that differ even a bit.
Perl program below -- a modified version of Randal Schwartz's
version[0] -- uses md5(1) to identify duplicates (as in identical
files), failing that, Image::Magick based on fuzz factor. When it
finds duplicates, it asks to enter the item number from the file
list to be deleted.
[0] Article "Finding similar images",
To be able to run, it needs Image::Magick (graphics/ImageMagick
port), Cache::FileCache (devel/p5-Cache-Cache), List::Util
(lang/p5-Scalar-List-Utils), File::Copy & File::Path.
Mind that it, rather Image::Magick, may consume all of your memory
and/or temporary fs if you run it on all the files at once.
If you are good in Perl, you could modify the program to move the
duplicates in a directory (instead of deleting), and possibly not to
ask to take the particular action (if as you say you would have a
boat load of duplicates).
Without further interruptions, program follows ...
# This is a modified version of Randal Schwartz's ...
# ... as it uses checksum (MD5 for now) to detect identical files, failing that
# uses Image::Magick.
use warnings; use strict;
use Image::Magick;
use Cache::FileCache;
use File::Copy qw( move );
use File::Path qw( mkpath );
use List::Util qw( reduce );
use Carp qw(carp);
use Getopt::Long qw( :config gnu_compat no_ignore_case no_debug );
# User option; permitted average deviation in the vector elements.
my $fuzz = 15;
# User option; if defined, rename corrupt images into this dir.
my $corrupt_dir = "CORRUPT";
my $usage;
'h|usage|help' => \$usage
, 'f|fuzz=i' => \$fuzz
, 'c|corrupt=s' => \$corrupt_dir
, 'nc|nocorrupt' => sub { undef $corrupt_dir; }
or usage( 1 );
usage( 0 ) if $usage;
# Check if any arguments remain which will be file names
usage( 1, "No file(s) or directory(ies) given." ) unless scalar @ARGV;
sub warnif;
my $cache = Cache::FileCache->new
( {
namespace => 'image.cache'
, cache_root => ( glob( "~/log/misc" ) )[ 0 ]
my @buckets;
FILE: while ( @ARGV )
my $file = shift;
next FILE if -l $file;
if ( -d $file )
opendir DIR, $file or next FILE;
unshift @ARGV, map { m/^\./ ? () : "$file/$_"; } sort readdir DIR;
next FILE;
next FILE unless -f _ or -d _;
my ( @stat ) = stat _ or die "should not happen: $!";
# dev/ino/mtime
my $key = "@stat[ 0, 1, 9 ]";
my @vector;
#print "$file ";
if ( my $data = $cache->get( $key ) )
#print "... is cached\n";
@vector = @$data;
my $image = Image::Magick->new;
if ( my $x = $image->Read( $file ) )
if ( defined $corrupt_dir and $x =~ m/corrupt|unexpected end-of-file/i )
print "$file ";
print "... renaming into $corrupt_dir\n";
-d $corrupt_dir
or mkpath $corrupt_dir, 0, 0700
or die "Cannot mkpath $corrupt_dir: $!";
move $file, $corrupt_dir or warn "Cannot rename: $!";
print "$file ";
print "... skipping ( $x )\n";
next FILE;
#print "is ", join( "x", $image->Get( 'width', 'height' ) ), "\n";
warnif $image->Normalize();
warnif $image->Resize( geometry => '4x4!' );
warnif $image->Set( magick => 'rgb' );
@vector = unpack "C*", $image->ImageToBlob();
$cache->set( $key, [ @vector ] );
BUCKET: for my $bucket ( @buckets )
my $error = 0;
INDEX: for my $index ( 0 .. $#vector )
$error += abs( $bucket->[ 0 ][ $index ] - $vector[ $index ] );
next BUCKET if $error > $fuzz * @vector;
push @$bucket, $file;
#print "linked ", join( ", ", @$bucket[ 1 .. $#$bucket ] ), "\n";
next FILE;
push @buckets, [ [ @vector ], $file ];
# Connect images only, no interactive process
for my $bucket ( @buckets )
my @names = @$bucket;
shift @names; # first element is vector
next unless @names > 1; # skip unique images
my $images = Image::Magick->new;
$images->Read( @names );
compare_as_text( $images );
my $sums = collect_md5sum( $images );
# Silence warning about single use of $b.
no warnings 'once';
compare_as_image( $images )
unless reduce { $a eq $b ? $a : 0 } @$sums;
print "Delete? [picture number] ";
my $img_count = scalar @{ $images };
my @dead;
chomp( my $dead = <STDIN> );
@dead =
$dead =~ m/^ \s* [*+] $/x ? ( 1 .. $img_count )
: $dead =~ m/^ \s* - \d+ $/x ? ( $img_count + $dead + 1 .. $img_count )
: grep { $_ >= 1 and $_ <= $img_count } $dead =~ /(\d+)/g;
for ( @dead )
my $dead_name = $images->[ $_ - 1 ]->Get( 'base-filename' );
warn "rm $dead_name\n";
unlink $dead_name or warn "Cannot rm $dead_name: $!";
warn "\n";
sub compare_as_text
my $images = shift;
my $frmt = "%d: %s\n -- %dx%d %0.3f kB\n";
foreach my $img ( 0 .. scalar @$images - 1 )
printf $frmt , ( $img + 1 ), $images->[ $img ]->Get( 'base-filename' )
, $images->[ $img ]->Get( 'width' ), $images->[ $img ]->Get( 'height' )
, ( $images->[ $img ]->Get( 'filesize' ) / 1024 )
sub collect_md5sum
my $images = shift;
my @md5;
foreach ( 0 .. scalar @$images - 1 )
my $name = $images->[ $_ ]->Get( 'base-filename' );
push @md5, ( split ' ', qx/ md5 $name / )[ 3 ];
return [ @md5 ];
sub compare_as_image
my $images = shift;
my $montage =
( geometry => '370x500' , tile => '2x2' , label => "[%p] %i %wx%h %b" );
print "processing...\n";
sub warnif
my $value = shift;
carp $value if $value;
sub usage
my ( $exit, $message ) = @_;
print STDERR $message, "\n" if $exit && $message;
my $old_fd = select( $exit == 0 ? \*STDOUT : \*STDERR );
print <<"_USAGE_";
similar-image - Keep|Delete similar looking images
similar-image [ -fuzz <avg dev> ]
[ -corrupt <directory> | -nocorrupt ]
< files directories >
This program takes the following options ...
-f | -fuzz Permitted average deviation in the vector
elements; (set value: $fuzz).
-c | -corrupt Move corrupt images into this directory; (set
value: $corrupt_dir).
-nc | -nocorrupt Do not define a corrupted-image directory (so that
files are not moved).
select $old_fd;
exit( $exit );
- Parv
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