mount privileges...what the heck?

Robert C Wittig wittig.robert at
Fri Jul 21 18:22:34 UTC 2006

DW wrote:

> So any ideas on why I need to do a chown -R dude:dude after the first 
> mount?????? Am I missing something, going insane, or is something buggy 
> here????

You created the directory as root:

# mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2 it belongs to root.

I can only assume that...

'Ownership on mount point:     dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2'

...does not mean that you actually did a

# chown dude:dude /usr/home/dude/drive2

...which is necessary, after root creates a directory.

Why didn't you just log in as dude to create the directory that was 
going to serve as the mount point, as in:

% mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2 ...or
$ mkdir /usr/home/dude/drive2

Just yesterday I did exactly this on my PC-BSD (FreeBSD 6.1, basically)

First I created, logged in an my 'dude' identity (as opposed to my root 
identity), and created 4 directories in /home/dude, for mounting four 
data partitions that exist on a data hard drive that is accessed by 
PC-BSD, Red Hat Enterprise 3, or Windows XP SP2 (depending on which 
front-loading, swappable hard drive cage with operating system, I have 
plugged into the machine. the partitions are Samba shares, when *nix is 
plugged into the machine, so they are always accessible to other Windows 
boxes on the LAN.

Then, I wrote a shell script called 'mountall', which is the BSD 
equivalent to the script I have in Red Hat, for mounting the partitions.

Then I ran the script, and voila... my Windows 2000 graphics workstation 
could read and write to the Samba shares as per usual.

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