FreeBSD 6.1 - Web & Mail Server

Eric heli at
Wed Jul 19 15:23:02 UTC 2006

albi wrote:
> Allen D. Tate wrote:
>> I am preparing to setup a FreeBSD 6.1 machine with Apache/MySQL/PHP for
>> my web server and I am curious as to your thoughts on the best mail
>> server to install and why. Any mail server I should steer clear from at
>> all costs? Thanks in advance for your input.
> software-wise :
> dovecot + postfix + squirrelmail has proven to me to be the most
> flexible and easiest to set up and maintain

i ran squirrelmail for a long time and switched to horde+Imp and find it
a lot better. SM was never updated and didnt do a lot of the nice stuff
that IMP does. Granted IMP is more resource intensive, but it offers a
lot more, especially with all the other modules you can add into the mix
(address book, calendar, etc).

i currently run dovecot + postfix and it works great.

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