TX2300 BIOS from BIOS

Wes L. Zuber wes at uia.net
Wed Jul 19 03:06:16 UTC 2006

Hi David,

hmm, well didn't use to have to do that. One could build the raid  
from the BIOS and do it that way. Perhaps this has changed with the  
new BIOS. I will try it.



On Jul 18, 2006, at 4:21 PM, David Nugent wrote:

> Redirected from freebsd-drivers@
> Wes L. Zuber wrote:
>> However, FreeBSD will not recognize the actual logical disc, ar0.  
>> It does see both drives on the card individually, just not ar0.  
>> The card looks the same as the old card but appears to only have a  
>> different BIOS. Could not flash the BIOS on this new card to the  
>> old one (as we suspected).
> The raid device has gone. Recreate it with "atacontrol create"  
> using the same raid type as was used originally.

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