freevo on FreeBSD?

Derrick Ryalls ryallsd at
Tue Jul 18 18:30:05 UTC 2006

I am not sure if this is a FreeBSD specific question or a freevo
question, but here it goes.  I was wondering if anyone has been able
to get freevo working on FreeBSD 6.1 with a pvr-250 card?

I have the card working and can do 'mplayer /dev/cxm0' to watch tv
(including sound), but I can't seem to get freevo to play live tv let
alone record anything.

I did install freevo and the pvr250 driver, I can change channels on
the device and watch tv outside of freevo.  This might be a simple
configuration issue with freevo, but since their list didn't seem to
include much FreeBSD specific traffic, I thought I might ask if anyone
here has tried it out lately.

I can post my config file, but didn't want to spam the list with the
huge file if no one else has tried out the port lately.

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