Adding a (non default) route via rc.conf

stan stanb at
Tue Jul 18 16:18:15 UTC 2006

On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 11:30:50AM -0400, Andy Greenwood wrote:
> in rc.conf, put something like this:
> static_routes="legacy"
> route_legacy="-net 192.168.2"
> the static_routes line is a list of network names that you want to put
> routes in for, then each name gets its own route_name line. As for
> your sanity check, I don't see why it would be a problem.


A local resource has sugested that I just not bother, and accept the
redirects from the new default gateway. 

One thing that bothers me aout htis, is the redirect messages I get while
pinging. He says that he believes that there is a sysctl seting that can
turn off "redirect notify". 

Is ayone familar with this?

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