LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

Mike Meyer mwm-keyword-freebsdquestions.8c5a2e at
Mon Jul 17 15:05:13 UTC 2006

In <44BACE63.9030800 at>, Bob <bob at> typed:
> > I'd say this is a mistake. You should probably install the fpc port in
> > /usr/ports/lang/fpc. There may be reasons to install your own version
> > instead of a port, but you haven't presented any.
> As per the Lazarus docs/INSTALL, compiling Lazarus requires the FPC
> source tree, A binary install of FPC won't do.

It's *really* unusual for a port to install a binary tarball if the
source is available. Most ports that install binaries are for
commercial products for which source isn't available.

> > Again, you should probably have used the ports version, in
> > editors/fpc-ide.
> That's the text-mode IDE, not the GUI one, called Lazarus.

That port doesn't say very much about what it is, other than it's an
fpc-ide. Sorry for the mistake.

> So, all that is needed is to apply the patches I mentioned in my OP, get
> the proper gdk-pixbuf installed from ports, and it is as good as gold.
> Now, how can I create a port for Lazarus, now that I have it compiled
> and running?

You'll probably want to start by creating an fpc port that builds from
source. A lazarus port could fetch the source files itself and use
them, but if I were using them, I'd like to know that the fpc I was
using was built from the sources the ide used.

A port is basically a Makefile plus at least some text files. The
ports tree includes a lot of make machinery to
fetch/extract/patch/build/etc. based on that. See the porters handbook
at <URL:
> for details.

Mike Meyer <mwm at>
Independent Network/Unix/Perforce consultant, email for more information.

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