LinkLib Issues In freebsd Lazarus

Bob bob at
Sun Jul 16 23:40:30 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

Mike Meyer wrote:

> I'd say this is a mistake. You should probably install the fpc port in
> /usr/ports/lang/fpc. There may be reasons to install your own version
> instead of a port, but you haven't presented any.

Mike thanks! You gave me the missing piece of this puzzle! It all now
works a charm!

As per the Lazarus docs/INSTALL, compiling Lazarus requires the FPC
source tree, A binary install of FPC won't do.

> Again, you should probably have used the ports version, in
> editors/fpc-ide.

That's the text-mode IDE, not the GUI one, called Lazarus.

>> the following libraries were not found by ld: glib12, gdk12, and gtk12.
> Where did you get these from? And what versions are they?

>From the FPC Source tree

packages/extra/gtk/gdk/gdk.pp <- wants gdk 1.2
packages/extra/gtk/gdk/gdk.pp <- wants gtk 1.2
packages/extra/gtk/glib/glib.pp <- wants glib 1.2

each of the above .pp source files calls for the proper lib by the wrong
name for freebsd. They all are missing the "-" in the version number.

> Well, yeah - you're linking against *the wrong library*. My system has
> a /usr/X11R6/lib/libgdk_pixbuf.a, installed from the
> graphics/gdk-pixbuf port. That does have the function you're looking
> for.

And here is the Million Dollar answer! PORTS graphics/gdk-pixbuf When I
went looking for the proper lib, I did not see it. Possibly because I
was looking for gdk_pixbuf :-(

> If you want to continue the way
> you started, delete your bogus symlink, and install the
> graphics/gdk-pixbuf port to get the library you need.

Since I need the sources, I didn't have any other option but to
continue. I deleted the symlink, and installed the graphics/gdk-pixbuf
port, and Lazarus compiled, and linked!

So, all that is needed is to apply the patches I mentioned in my OP, get
the proper gdk-pixbuf installed from ports, and it is as good as gold.

Now, how can I create a port for Lazarus, now that I have it compiled
and running?

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