What is wrong in my conf file?

Alex Zbyslaw xfb52 at dial.pipex.com
Sat Jul 15 13:51:15 UTC 2006

mr thooL wrote:

> Hi,
> a attached my kernel configuration file, can you find the problem, 
> please?
> "config" command went OK
> "make depend"  - error code 1
> thank you for help

No one can help you with this limited information:

1) attachments are not allowed on questions@ so no-one can see your 
kernel.  If you can make it available on a web site that is much better 
than posting the whole thing here.  And without 2) below it will be less 
than useful.

2) "error code 1" is worthless - it is just an exit status.  Please 
start by showing the actual error.  The 10 or so lines leading up to 
this message would probably do as long as they show what was *actually 
happening*.  And tell us what version of FreeBSD you are doing this on.

You might also try summarising the changes you made to the generic kernel.

3) Didn't the config/make depend way of building a kernel go out with 
    See the handbook for the correct "make buildkernel 
KERNCONF=MYKERNEL" procedure for a modern FreeBSD.
    Of course, with a bad config file, that will fail the same way so 
see 2) first.


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