"Mounting a drive"

Jerry McAllister jerrymc at clunix.cl.msu.edu
Tue Jul 11 14:13:29 UTC 2006

> Many  thanks for reply Jerry, when I joined FreeBSD I had not realised
> that  it  was  a Linux/ Unix forum, on quick inspection I assumed that
> the title referred to some kind of general help forum. There is such a
> proliferation  of  abbreviated  titles  that I am not always sure from
> titles of their purpose.
> My  question  referred really to Windows XP, as I am only just getting
> to grips with Linux.

First of all, it has nothing to do with LINUX.

This is FreeBSD which follows the BSD family of UNIX and
is not nearly the same.   In fact, most of us experience it
as superior to LUNIX for server work.
   Check it out at:   http://www.freebsd.org/

As for any Microsloth stuff, I couldn't help, but I would
guess that you are wasting your time trying to do anything
of that sophistication in MS.

Finally, when you post questions or responses on the list, you should
always include the list in your responses (as a cc).


> I  had  read  an article recently, which I can no longer find, that to
> get  around  the  limitation, under windows XP, of the number of named
> partitions  that  one  can  use,  that  apparently  one  can "mount" a
> partition,  be  it  a  sector  of a hard drive, or a removeable drive,
> within  a  directory. ( I believe the article said directory, it might
> have  ben  a folder ) The article was referring to the ability then to
> have  a  number of flash drives or external USB connected drives which
> could exceed the normal Windows limitation.
> I  am  running  a  piece of software, hyperOS, which allows me to have
> multiple  bootable partitions, and currently I have around 20 on a 300
> Gig  hard  drive,  I wanted to add several USB memory stick drives and
> some partitions with different flavours of linux, and so am interested
> in  finding  out  how I can overcome the windows XP limitation. I felt
> that  also  I  needed  to  understand what the term "mounting a drive"
> actually  meant,  so  that  I  could  try  to  anticipate  any unusual
> behaviour,  particularly  with  boot  switching.  From  your  email it
> appears  that  "mounting"  implies  letting the device driver know the
> address of the device upon which it is to work.
> Best regards and thanks for reply,
> Richard
> mailto:rs at pswl.com

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