been buggin' me for a while now (console resolution)

Peter petermatulis at
Tue Jul 11 01:35:27 UTC 2006

--- Atom Powers <atom.powers at> wrote:

> On 7/10/06, Peter <petermatulis at> wrote:
> > So does anyone know how I can automatically get smaller fonts in my
> > console?
> >
> This is the best I was able to do without loading the vesa driver,
> which I haven't bothered to do since it's "just" a server.
> cat /etc/rc.conf
> #Terminal settings
> keymap="us.dvorak"
> font8x14="iso-8x14"
> font8x16="iso-8x16"
> font8x8="iso-8x8"
> allscreens_flags="80x30"

How do I load the VESA driver?  A basic google indicates this is
somewhat experimental.  Is this true?

I remember the command I used in the past to manually change to smaller

$ vidcontrol 80x50

In the absence of anything better (VESA?), how can I automate this upon
boot time?  I remember using "allscreens_flags=80x50" but it didn't work.

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